Færri og færri nenna að berjast fyrir Úkraníu "The Times of London reported data from the Ukrainian government showing that " 51,000 criminal cases were initiated for desertion and abandonment of a military unit between January and September of this
Telling from the tale, taming every nightingale. Love, her name in lines... like to sing, nibbling, knowing, not for going rich? Must be in the mines, may she love, not sting! For the fortune, rowing, fame is not that great, when she's the bitch. Wind it
Þeir sem létu sprauta börnin sín sleppa því bara að lesa þetta "The study was conducted by a team of leading UK medical doctors, epidemiologists, biostatisticians, and public health experts led by Oxford University’s Professor Colm D Andrews. A
Það er stutt í kosningar hér á landi og margt bendir til þess, að ýmsir komi meira beygðir frá þeim slag en þeir vildu, og því er líklegt að óvenjumiklir eftirþankar fari af stað þegar forystumenn horfast í augu við
Lögreglan í Portland býr sig undir óeirðir félagshyggjufólks "Police in the city of Portland, Oregon are getting ready for potential violence and rioting on election night, no matter who wins. It’s almost like rioting over politics has become a
Newsweek spjallar við Lavrov "... he reaffirmed the official position that Kiev should comply with Putin’s ceasefire request from over the summer and that Moscow wants to address the root causes of this conflict, not just freeze it for some time .
Úrkynjaður kommúnisti amast við því að verkalýðurinn eyði sínum eigin peningum "Ásgeir Jónsson Seðlabankastjóri minntist á Íslendinga á Tenerife í erindi sínu á fjármálaráðstefnu Sambands íslenskra sveitarfélaga á Hilton Reykjavík Nordica
Eins og alþjóð veit, hóf -elítan- árás sína á Grímsey í fyrra, með ágætum árangri. Færri vita að hálft landið er nú í úthlutun handa Unesco, og valdstjórnin í þjónustu við WHO og restin í fjölteymi hinna 77 alþjóðastofnana SÞ . Áframhaldandi árás, eða
Happiness is here at last, how I like you, now free! Thank you, beauty, baby, born to love me now, see. May I be yours? Maybe? Must you go today? Wait, the perfect way! Chorus: Only this one, always be, only for the better day. Like her chubby, charming,
Hillary Clinton segir það bara beint út: "Clinton called for repealing Section 230 of the Communications Act, which protects social media platforms from liability for third-party content. "We should be, in my view, repealing something called Section 230,
Musk fúll egna þess að ríkið leyfir honum ekki að aðstoða bágstadda "Elon Musk is calling out Biden-Harris’ FEMA in a fiery rant, accusing the federal agency of actively obstructing humanitarian efforts in the wake of widespread devastation in
Ungverjar vs Evrópusambandið "A years-long battle has been taking place between Brussels and Budapest, with conservative President Viktor Orbán having to go toe to toe with the EU bureaucracy every step of the way. Today, another chapter in the dispute
There are more than missing ways, mildly put, they win to rot! Nightmares not so passing, neither those here crashing... Up on Cripple creek, came to act so free! Men in charge will mundane be, morons forget, accept not! Keep the burden woman weak, we
Stríð Írana og Ísraela er furðulegt. Fyrst gera Íranir eitthvað. Svo gera Ísraelar eitthvað. Svo líðuir og bíður. Svo gera Íranir eitthvað. Svo gera Ísraelar eitthvað annað. Og svo framvegis. Þetta endar þegar annar aðilinn kallar: "þú hefur sökkt
Smá verkfall "More than 45,000 International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) members from over three dozen facilities across 14 Gulf and East Coast ports went on strike early Tuesday, marking the largest labor action at US ports in nearly 50 years.
Að mestu friðsamlegar framtíðaráætlanir "On Wednesday, the IDF chief of staff, Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi, announced a potential ground operation in the neighboring state as he talked to troops stationed at Israel’s northern border. Airstrikes
Kananum kvíðir fyrir að fá Harris "A signature feature of Kamala Harris’s housing plan is providing first-time home buyers with $25,000 in down-payment support, at a total cost of $100 billion over four years. Absent a severe recession, this policy
000 slóð Fyrrum aðalhagfræðingur Alþjóðabankans, Joe Stiglitz, var rekinn. Hann benti yfir stjórnendum á að öll ríki sem Alþjóðagjaldeyrissjóðurinn / Alþjóðabankinn hafði með að gera enduðu með, hrunið hagkerfi, sprungna ríkisstjórn og stundum í óeirðum.
Paník ráðafólks vex með hverjum degi. Klukkan glymur stríðs-óðri ráðstýru Dísu Reykás sem boðar hervæðingu þjóðar ásamt Nato von Stoltenberg í viðtölum á Glæpaleiti. Þau boða stríð, ófrið full angistar með ótta í augum. Svo er að vonum. Eru 1-2-3 mínútur
From the fields fall and see. Set them, someone wields, surpassed, lost from crowds. Robots tattoed talking, former humans, trust them none and opposites are true. Reading all and ready, rustling not more, steady. Needed for the numens, numbers only do.